The Real Estate Office (REO) manages, reviews, and approves some short term rentals and all long term rentals of University owned space. All rentals of University property must be consistent with and contribute to the mission of the University.
Please note: Rental Agreement terms may not exceed $1,000,000 Net Present Value (NPV) without approval of the Board of Regents. Contact the Director - Leasing and Property Management with questions or learn more about the policies.
Leasing Policy Statement
The University of Minnesota will not, under any circumstances, permit the unrestricted use of its property by non-University entities. Use of University property by non-University entities requires a written agreement. An event that involves using University property may or may not be cosponsored by the University. If scheduling conflicts arise, University programs have priority. Equal opportunity to use University property must be given to groups of different opinions or views. A lease or use agreement does not indicate official University sanctions or agreement with the policies, goals or opinion of the non-University group.
Instructions for Short Term Use Agreements
Short-term use is defined as: A continuous period of time lasting up to 50 days; or a recurring, non-continuous period of time lasting up to 1 year;
Use/License agreement is required for short-term rental.
Step 1: Pick WHERE to rent.
Many University-Owned buildings have on-site staff that handle rental arrangements, so contact the facility that you would like to rent. A listing of facilities can be found here. If your chosen facility is not on the list, or you need help choosing a facility, contact the Real Estate Office.
Facility Contact List
Step 2: Determine Your Cost
Determine the total estimated cost of the contract. This determines which procedure to use to fill out your Use Agreement. The total estimated value of a contract is based on all costs associated with facilities or services provided for a specific event. You may also contact the Senior Real Estate Specialist or the Leasing Specialist for help.
Step 3: Fill Out Your Use Agreement
Make sure you know your contract-cost and read the instructions below before proceding!
The University has a standard form for Short Term Use of University Space; however, some facilities have their own contract, including Coffman Memorial Union, Northrop Memorial Auditorium, and others. Check the Standard Contracts Library to find the correct contract. Please contact the Real Estate Office if you need help figuring out which contract you should use.
Standard Contracts Library
If Your Contract Costs Less Than $50,000...
- Complete one of the U's standard Use Agreements with the facility. If no changes are made to the agreement, proceed to step 3. If changes are made to the contract, proceed to step 2.
- Before signing it, send the contract to the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) for approval. After OGC approves the agreement, proceed to the next step.
- Furnish REO with a copy* of the fully-executed facility Use Agreement with the appropriate EFS account number and the "Use Fee" (Use Fee means the fee allocated for just the use of the Facility according to the established rate schedule) written on the top of the agreement.
*Keep the fully-executed original in your files.
If Your Contract Costs $50,000 or More...
- Fill out one of the U's standard Facility Use Agreements with the facility, but do not sign it.
- Furnish REO with the agreement for review.
- After REO reviews the contract, it will be returned to you with an Approval Authority Letter for initialing (if required) and signature by the delegated signature authority.
- Furnish REO with a copy* of the fully-executed facility Use Agreement with the appropriate EFS account number and the amount of the "Use Fee" (Use Fee means the fee allocated for just the use of the Facility according to the established rate schedule) written on the top of the agreement.
*Keep the fully-executed original in your files.
Contract Completion
After completing these steps, a Lease number (UA-XXX) will be assigned to the contract, and the contract will be entered into REO's online database once fully executed for the department to review in the future.
Instructions for Long-Term Lease of University Space
The University of Minnesota does not have space available for long-term leases at this time. For questions, comments, and concerns, contact the Director - Leasing and Property Management. Many University departments and groups who need additional space rent non-University owned space. Visit Rental of Non-University Space for information.
NOTE: On-campus departmental space needs are handled entirely by the Office of Space Management.