About UMore Park

The University of Minnesota Outreach, Research and Education (UMore) Park is a 3,975-acre property owned by the University of Minnesota on the southern edge of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area in Rosemount and Empire, Dakota County. The University envisions that UMore Park will become a vibrant, market-driven community for residents and businesses. 

In February, 2015, the University's Board of Regents pivoted from its original 2008 plan and approved a market-based approach for the development of UMore Park, which is expected to occur in stages spread across several decades (Resolution). In alignment with the AUAR-Alternative Urban Areawide Review (Report | Figures) that was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 15, 2013. 

The AUAR was updated and approved by the Rosemount City Council in October 2018 (Report), and updated again in December 2023 (Report)