The Space Planning and Management team is responsible for managing allocation and assignment of space; ensuring the university is maximizing occupancy and capacity of existing spaces, eliminating redundancies of underutilized spaces, promoting increased utilization, and managing churn to support growth and reductions. In practice, we support space management activities in a variety of ways.
- Conducting Occupancy & Space Planning efforts.
- Facilitating a variety of space agreements which address temporary needs, permanent reassignments between RRC's and requests from RRC's to release excess space assignments.
- Reviewing space classification change requests where there's been a request to convert a space's current function - for example, converting a classroom into a wet lab.
It is the responsibility of each Resource Responsibility Center (RRC) to maintain updated data in TRIRIGA as changes occur as they are critical to supporting our work efforts - those services requested by an RRC, or those services needed to support strategic planning efforts or otherwise.