I understand there is a University housing area for faculty/staff. Can you tell me about it?
University Grove consists of 103 single-family homes owned by University faculty and staff situated on land owned by the University. Generally, Grove home ownership is open to all University faculty and administrative staff eligible for the faculty retirement plan or a federal retirement plan; current civil service and union-represented University staff whose employment is at least 75% time, excluding probationary and temporary employees; and retired employees eligible for continued coverage under the retiree provisions of the University’s health and dental benefits program.
Does the University own the homes?
No, each faculty/staff person owns the home; the University owns the land upon which the home is situated and the faculty/staff person pays rent annually for that land use.
Where is the Grove?
The Grove is located close to the St. Paul campus in the city of Falcon Heights, MN.
Are there restrictions on what you can or cannot do with your Grove property?
The Grove land lease describes the restrictions currently in place. You may also contact the Grove Homeowners Association with your questions on Grove home ownership.
Are there any Grove homes for sale currently?
For information on homes currently for sale (and for rent), go to: https://ugrove.umn.edu/real-estate/homes-for-sale.
How does one go about purchasing a home in the Grove?
See purchasing a home in the Grove.
How does one go about selling their Grove home?
See selling your home in the Grove.
What if the Grove homeowner cannot find a University faculty or staff person to purchase their home? Contact the Grove Homeowners Association. Guidelines have been developed for determining hardship situations.
Can retired faculty or staff purchase Grove homes? Yes, if they are eligible for continued coverage under the retiree provisions of the University’s health and dental benefits program. For all others, there is a nearby complex of condominiums called 1666 Coffman for University of Minnesota retirees; contact 1666 Coffman Condominiums at (651) 644-4541 or https://www.1666coffman.com.
Are there ever any Grove homes for rent?
Occasionally. See the Grove Rentals. Who markets your Grove home when you sell? University Housing and Residential Life distributes informational flyers (prepared by the Grove homeowner) about Grove homes for sale to the University’s deans, directors and department heads mailing list. The Grove Homeowners Association also publishes the information on its website and in its newsletter (usually published fall, winter and spring).
What is the history of the University Grove?
You may find information at: https://ugrove.umn.edu/home.